Her first time out as a 'special', she went Best of Breed! breeder/owner/handled Judge: Stephen

Resting after a morning of tracking....... "Flora" (right) and her daughter CH Windrock's Turbulent Gale, TD.
' Flora ' was a great obedience dog, she had a ton of drive with the willingness and desire to work. She finished her titles
with placements, got her last open leg with a 197 and 1st place at Sportsmen DTC trial.
* Flora produced Champion and obedience titled offspring and was a member of Medallion Rottweiler Club's Hall of Fame.

"Flora' was bred one time to: A/C CH Goldeiche Brick V Mikon, UD Sire: BIS/BISS Select CH Birchill's
Governor, CD Dam: CH Rodsden's Hella Von Forstwald, TD That litter produced: 1 AKC Champion CH
Windrock's Gabi V Richter 1 CKC CH and TD CAN CH Windrock's Turbulent Gale, TD 2 AKC CDX's Windrock's
Gala Pollyanna, CDX Windrock's Gotta Pleezer, CDX 1 AKC CD Windrock's Grand Jury 1 AKC UD Windrock's
Gala Pollyanna

CH Windrock's Gabi V Richter She went WB/BOW this day for her first major...breeder/owner handled Judge: Houston